//SAT day is almost here!

SAT day is almost here!

Are you scheduled to kick off the school year with the SAT exam tomorrow? If so, Khan Academy has a great list of tips for the night before the exam:

  • Relax! There are a lot of good reasons NOT to study the night before Test Day. Marathoners don’t go for a run before Race Day, and mental marathoners like you shouldn’t study for more than an hour on the day before you take the SAT. Your brain needs to rest in order to do its best. Read a book or hang out with a friend or two.
  • Avoid screen time. You’re going to need to get a good night’s sleep, and bright screens (televisions, phones, movies) will wake up your brain and make it more difficult to drift off at an early hour.
  • Have a healthy dinner. Drink lots of water and load up with complex carbohydrates, just like marathon runners do: potatoes, pasta, and rice are good choices here, as well as protein and vegetables.
  • Organize your bag for Test Day. The night before is the time to put your ID, admission ticket, pencils, calculator, batteries and other gear in a bag by the door.
  • Make a plan to get to the testing site. Before you go to sleep, make sure you know exactly how you’re going to get to the testing site. If you are going to need to find parking, make a plan for that. If you are relying on public transportation, check the schedule and make sure your subway/bus/train is running. Check for road closures. If a friend or parent is going with you, make sure they know what they need to do, too.”


Good luck tomorrow students! Keep your eye on the prize, approach the exam with confidence, and keep in mind that one test score is not the only factor that colleges with be looking at so relax and do your best.

By |2019-08-20T09:19:26-07:00August 23rd, 2019|College Admissions|

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