//Good Luck on the SAT Exam

Good Luck on the SAT Exam

Good luck to all of the students who will be taking the SAT exam!

Remembering what NOT to bring is as important as remembering what to bring to the testing location with you.

What NOT to Bring:
Any devices, including digital watches, that can be used to record, transmit, receive, or play back audio, photographic, text, or video content
Audio players/recorders, tablets, laptops, notebooks, Google Glass, or any other personal computing devices
iPods or other MP3 players
iPads or other tablet devices
Laptops, notebooks, PDAs or any other personal computing devices
Any texting device
Cameras or any other photographic equipment
Separate timers of any type
Protractors, compasses, rulers
Highlighters, colored pens, colored pencils
Pamphlets or papers of any kind
Dictionaries or other books—there are no exceptions, even if English is not your first language
Food or drinks (except for during breaks)

When in doubt leave the item you are not sure about at home or in your car so you can sail through the exam pre-check and focus on your exam.

Take your time, don’t compare yourself to the pace of other students, and remember that a test score is only one line item in a long list of college application materials that showcase how great you are!

By |2019-05-31T19:56:18-07:00May 31st, 2019|College Admissions|

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College4Careers is a full-service college admissions and career counseling company blending academic achievement with career success.

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