Middle School Admissions Counseling
Premier Package for Middle School Students
- Comprehensive individual evaluation of student’s strengths, opportunities for improvement, and areas of interest.
- Guidance selecting middle school classes, extracurriculars, and volunteer opportunities that will form the foundation for high school success.
- Discuss general college goals, career ideas, and the financial costs of a college or university education.
- Record individual accomplishments, rewards, and recognition using our exclusive College4Careers tracking planner for middle school students.
For 6th grade students the following is added to the Premier Package:
- Discuss high school options (public and private) and pros and cons of each based on the student’s needs.
- Discuss the special needs of the student athlete, performing arts student, or other specialized talent student.
- Focus on time management skills for balancing academics and extracurriculars.
For 7th grade students the following is added to the Premier Package:
- Discuss Advanced Placement, Honors, International Baccalaureate Programs, and specific high school campus programs suited to the student’s interests.
- Compile a list of prospective high schools to visit and discuss admission requirements for each.
- Assist in choosing the high school that best fits the student’s needs.
For 8th grade students the following is added to the Premier Package:
- Discuss college entrance exam options and pros and cons of each based on the student’s academic progress throughout middle school.
- Assist with the admission’s application for students applying to a private or specialized high school.
- Assist in selecting Freshman year high school classes and extracurriculars.
A minimum of three in-person, one hour, individual meetings per school year with both the student and a parent(s)/guardian(s). These meetings are generally scheduled before the school year begins, after fall grades are posted, and after spring grades are received based on your student’s school calendar. Additional in person meetings may be scheduled at no additional charge to meet any further needs of the student that arise during the school year. Your phone calls or emails with any questions you have during your student’s school year are always welcome and are never limited.
Individual Services
Hourly consultation is available for any of the services listed under the Premier Package for Middle School Students or to discuss any other specific needs of the student.
What Parents Say
“I had no idea my son even needed to start this process in sixth grade, but thanks to my neighbor who talked me into attending our middle school information night, I got a lot of information at the College4Careers table about how helpful it can be to get this process started sooner rather than later. Now that my son is a high school junior, I can happily say that signing up with College4Careers was one of the best decisions my husband and I made.”
Individual Services
- One-on-One Meetings
- One Hour Appointment Minimum
- Choose from the services listed under our Premier Package or let us know what specific needs you have!
Premier Package
- 3 One-on-One Meetings
- Plan a Smooth Transition to High School
- Additional meetings or communications are available at NO extra charge!
The Works Middle School Premier Package
- Includes 6th, 7th, 8th grade Premier Packages
- Additional meetings or communications are available at NO extra charge!
- Save 20% when you purchase The Works Middle School Package and lock in all 3 years at today’s prices!
9th Grade Admissions Counseling

Premier Package for 9th Grade Students
“My teen is a great listener and is willing to take good advice (as long as it doesn’t come from anyone they call mom or dad)…”
- Reflect on strengths and opportunities for improvement based on the student’s middle school experience and transcripts.
- Focus on time management skills for balancing academics and extracurriculars.
- Guidance selecting high school classes, extracurriculars, and volunteer opportunities that will form the foundation for a well-rounded college application.
- Discuss overall college goals and establish a four-year plan to accomplish those goals.
- Consideration of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) eligibility rules for the high school student athlete who is considering playing a sport in college.
- Examine the specific needs of the performing arts or other specialized talent student who is planning to continue this pursuit into the college years.
- Explore college entrance exam options based on student’s middle school transcripts, administer practice exams, select a test format, and determine a timeline for test prep.
- Begin building student’s professional resume.
- Record individual accomplishments, rewards, and recognition using our exclusive College4Careers tracking planner for high school students.
A minimum of five in-person, one hour, individual meetings per school year plus 2 two hour college entrance exam practice meetings. These meetings are generally scheduled before the school year begins and after each grading period ends (usually 4 quarters or 2 semesters) based on your student’s school calendar. Additional in-person meetings may be scheduled at no additional charge to meet any further needs of the student that arise during the school year. Your phone calls or emails with any questions you have during your student’s school year are always welcome and are never limited.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) need to attend the first, third, and fifth in-person meetings and are welcome and encouraged to attend all if their schedule allows.
Individual Services
“I want to go through every step of the college planning journey with my teen, but I need a little help knowing what to do and when…”
Hourly consultation is available for any services listed under the Premier Package for 9th Grade Students or to discuss any other specific needs of the student.
What Parents Say
“My parents gave my daughter the 9th grade Premier Package as an 8th grade graduation present and what a great gift it turned out to be! Our first meeting at College4Careers in August was a real eye-opener for both of us. I know it completely changed the way I thought about the high school years. I had no idea about honors or AP classes – we didn’t have anything like that when I was in high school.”
Individual Services
- One-on-One Meetings
- One Hour Appointment Minimum
- Choose from the services listed under our Premier Package or let us know what specific needs you have!
9th Grade Premier Package
- 5 One-on-One Meetings
- 2 College Entrance Exam Practice Tests
- Additional meetings or communications are available at NO extra charge!
The Works High School Premier Package
- Includes 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th grade Premier Packages
- Additional meetings or communications are available at NO extra charge!
- Save 10% when you purchase The Works Package and lock in all 4 years at today’s prices!

10th Grade Admissions Counseling
Premier Package for 10th Grade Students
“Discussing college campus visits and entrance exam options with my teen who generally rolls their eyes when asked a question sounds less than appealing…”
- Reflect on the freshman year experience and academic transcripts in order to update initial college goals and refine the current high school academic and extracurricular plans.
- Determine college entrance exam testing dates, discuss test prep options, and a timeline for test prep.
- Discuss the 11th grade PSAT/NMSQT exam, administer practice exam, and determine a timeline for test prep.
- Consider the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) eligibility rules for the high school student athlete who is currently being scouted or receiving communications from collegiate coaches.
- Revisit the specific needs of the performing arts or other specialized talent student. Compile a list of potential college and university campuses to visit and discuss the admission’s requirements for each school.
- Build upon student’s established professional resume.
- Record individual accomplishments, rewards, and recognition using our exclusive College4Careers tracking planner for high school students.
A minimum of five in-person, 1½ hour, individual meetings per school year plus 3 two hour college entrance exam practice meetings. These meetings are generally
scheduled before the school year begins and after each grading period ends (usually 4 quarters or 2 semesters) based on your student’s school calendar. Additional in-person meetings may be scheduled at no additional charge to meet any further needs of the student that arise during the school year. Your phone calls or emails with any questions you have during your student’s school year are always welcome and are never limited.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) need to attend the first, third, and fifth in-person meetings and are welcome and encouraged to attend all if their schedule allows.
Individual Services
“My teen and I are ready to choose a list of target schools to visit, but we need some advice on what information we should be looking for and where to get it…”
Hourly consultation is available for any services listed under the Premier Package for 10th Grade Students or to discuss any other specific needs of the student.
What Students Say
“I got to visit three college campuses when my family went to Florida during winter break this year. Talking about colleges is not the same as being on campus and seeing what the dorms are like and how big the schools are. I was posting pictures of everything and my friends couldn’t believe I was already looking at colleges!”
Individual Services
- One-on-One Meetings
- One Hour Appointment Minimum
- Choose from the services listed under our Premier Package or let us know what specific needs you have!
10 th Grade Premier Package
- 5 One-on-One Meetings
- 3 College Entrance Exam Practice Tests
- Additional meetings or communications are available at NO extra charge!
11th Grade Admissions Counseling

Premier Package for 11th Grade Students
“After teaching my teen to drive, I realize that I value my sanity so I would like someone else to take the wheel please…”
- The 11th Grade Premier Package is a comprehensive program designed to meet all of the needs of a college-bound junior.
- In the junior year, we finalize a detailed analysis of each college and university option, create a detailed junior year schedule using our exclusive College4Careers tracking planner, and prepare for college interviews.
- College4Careers is with you every step of the way during the early stages of the application process this year including preparation for the essays, supplemental materials, personal statements, resumes, and recommendation letter requests.
- We will be discussing detailed information on the options for financial aid, merit aid, and scholarship opportunities and advise on athletic recruitment and special talent admission materials.
- New Clients: 3.50 cumulative GPA requirement based on the previous school year for the Premier Package for 11th Grade Students.
A minimum of ten in-person, one-on-one meetings. Most meetings are 90 minutes. These meetings are generally scheduled every month with the exception of December and March or April depending on your student’s school calendar. Additional in-person meetings may be scheduled at no additional charge to meet any further needs of the student that arise during the school year. Your phone calls or emails with any questions you have during your student’s school year are always welcome and are never limited.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) need to attend the September, February, and June in-person meetings and are welcome to attend all if their schedule allows.
Individual Services
“Our family is having a blast visiting schools and digging deep into each college’s website, but we need to make sure we aren’t missing any details we should be on the lookout for…”
Hourly consultation is available for any services listed under the Premier Package for 11th Grade Students or to discuss any other specific needs of the student.
11th Grade Flat Rate Packages for Specific Tasks
Creating a Sensible College List Package We will spend up to three hours discussing collegiate goals and then formulate a strategy for the student to follow to build their own college list.
Choosing Between the ACT or SAT Package We will spend 90 minutes discussing the student’s overall academic strengths based on their high school transcripts to date, then the students will book two separate two hour meetings to take a practice test of each exam, followed by a 90 minute meeting to discuss the results and a recommended strategy for which exam to choose and a plan the student can pursue to prepare for exam day.
What Parents Say
“My twins are both very involved in the APA program and figuring out how to juggle practices, performances, and homework is a big challenge but after our first meeting at College4Careers I felt totally at ease. Within the first month my kids were in an ACT prep class that fit between their practice schedules, their test date was booked, and our first two college visits were scheduled.”
Individual Services
- One-on-One Meetings
- One Hour Appointment Minimum
- Choose from the services listed under our Premier Package or let us know what specific needs you have!
11th Grade Premier Package
- 10 One-on-One Meetings
- $2500.00 per year for Current Clients $3000.00 per year for New Clients
- Additional meetings or communications are available at NO extra charge!
Flat Rate Packages
- Creating a Sensible College List Package $500.00 per package
- Or
- Choosing Between the ACT or SAT Package $500.00 per package

12th Grade Admissions Counseling
Premier Package for 12th Grade Students
“So many deadlines, websites, passwords, emails, and essays with no end in sight – we need help with everything…”
- The College4Careers comprehensive 12th Grade Premier Package will meet all the needs of a senior student.
- We start with an extensive review of the final college and university choices, create a detailed senior year schedule using our exclusive College4Careers tracking planner, and prepare for final college visits including interview preparation.
- College4Careers assists with all steps of the application process including: essays, supplemental materials, personal statements, recommendation letter requests, resumes, the Common Application, the FAFSA application, the CSS Profile, and both private and public school applications.
- We will be discussing detailed information on the options for financial aid, merit aid, and scholarship opportunities and advise on athletic recruitment and special talent admission materials for the student’s final list choices.
- College4Careers will review all decisions and offers from schools with the family.
- The Premier Package includes assistance with the preparation of up to 15 applications for colleges and universities based in the United States.
- A UC (University of California) application equals one application regardless of the number of campuses chosen.
- A CSU (California State University) application equals one application regardless of the number of campuses chosen.
- Each in-state private school equals one application.
- Each out-of-state school, private or public, equals one application.
- Assistance with additional applications for schools based in the United States is offered at $250.00 per school for Premier clients.
- Assistance with applications for international schools is offered at $350.00 per school for Premier clients.
- New Clients: 3.50 cumulative GPA requirement based on the previous school year for the Premier Package for 12th Grade Students.
A minimum of ten in-person, one-on-one meetings. Most meetings are 90 minutes. These meetings are generally scheduled once a month with the exception of June and July. Additional in-person meetings may be scheduled at no additional charge to meet any further needs of the student that arise during the school year. Your phone calls or emails with any questions you have during your student’s school year are always welcome and are never limited.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) need to attend the September, January, and April in-person meetings and are welcome to attend all if their schedule allows.
Individual Services
“The entire family is still speaking to each other after those long college tours and we have an elaborate tracking system in place for each school, but we need some advice on this particular issue…”
Hourly consultation is available for any services listed under the Premier Package for 12th Grade Students or to discuss any other specific needs of the student.
12th Grade Flat Rate Packages for Specific Tasks
Complete the FAFSA Application Package
We will spend up to two hours completing the FAFSA application; a list of necessary materials will be provided prior to the meeting.
Complete the CSS Profile Application Package
We will spend up to two hours completing the CSS Profile application; a list of necessary materials will be provided prior to the meeting.
Complete the Common Application Package (including the Essay Prompts)
We will spend up to five hours completing the Common Application; a list of necessary materials will be provided prior to the meeting.
Complete the University of California Application Package (including the Essay Prompts)
We will spend up to five hours completing the University of California application; a list of necessary materials will be provided prior to the meeting.
Complete the California State University Application Package
We will spend up to two hours completing the California State University application; a list of necessary materials will be provided prior to the meeting.
Complete One Private School Application Package (including the Essay Prompts and/or Supplemental Questions)
Number of meetings will be determined based on the number of applications due and the campus deadlines.
The College Application Review Package (includes review and feedback on one already completed private or public school application)
Please allow a minimum of one week for the review process. Includes one in-person meeting for the feedback portion, if time permits, based on the campus deadlines.
What Students Say
“I was camping in the Grand Canyon with my cousins (WHERE THERE WAS NO INTERNET SERVICE!) during the entire Thanksgiving break while all of my friends were back home working like crazy on their college applications!”
Individual Services
- One-on-One Meetings
- One Hour Appointment Minimum
- Choose from the services listed under our Premier Package or let us know what specific needs you have!
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12th Grade Premier Package
- 10 One-on-One Meetings
- $3500.00 per year for Current Clients $4000.00 per year for New Clients
- Additional meetings or communications are available at NO extra charge!
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Flat Rate Packages
- Complete the FAFSA $500.00
- Complete the CSS Profile $500.00
- Complete the FAFSA and CSS Profile $900.00
- Complete the Common Application $500.00
- Complete the UC Application $500.00
- Complete the CSU Application $500.00
- Complete the UC and CSU Applications $900.00
- Complete the Common, UC, and CSU Applications $1200.00
- Complete 1 U.S. Private School Application $500.00
- Complete 5 U.S. Applications $2000.00
- Complete 1 International School Application $750.00
- Review 1 U.S. Private School Application $300.00
- Review 5 U.S. Applications $1200.00
- Review 1 International School Application $400.00